Amazon stocks Cream Collection

Amazon stocks Cream Collection

I'm absolutely delighted to announce that Cream Collection's planet-friendly aprons and chef shirts are now available from Amazon USA.

This is great news for USA residents, as if your order from Amazon you'll be wearing your new planet-friendly apron or chef's jacket within 2-3 days from order date. 

And to sweeten the fast delivery deal, we're offering less 10% off all Cream Collection items ordered from Amazon USA store for the month of May 2024.

Here's the 10% discount code to enter into the discount field: PO74RU2Y

Here's Cream Collection on AMAZON

If you know a friend, colleague or team who has been waiting for Cream Collection to be stocked in the USA, let them know as now is their chance to get quick delivery with a 10% discount from Amazon.

Sweet deal huh? 


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