Did you know that the Australian Tax Office can assist you to look and feel awesome?

Did you know that the Australian Tax Office can assist you to look and feel awesome?

Your customers love what you create,
You're proud of what you create,
But....how good do you look & feel when you're creating in the kitchen?

Good news, the Australian Tax Office can assist you to look, feel & perform better in the kitchen. Yip, you can claim against your annual tax due for your uniform which you purchase, and you can take it further by claiming some of the laundry expenses for laundering that uniform.

As we're a team of creatives, and not accountants, best to read the Australian Tax Office's quick read (30 seconds) article here as to what can be claimed:
ATO uniform claim as well as this article Uniform expenses 

You can't claim for a white T shirt you work in, as that is considered a clothing item which can be worn anywhere, but you can claim for an awesome cotton chef's jacket, a great pair of comfortable chef pants, and an apron, because that's what you need to wear to perform brilliantly in your occupation.

As the Australian Tax year comes to end at the end of this month, you've got just 3 weeks to change how you look and feel in the workplace. Perfect timing. Shop your new uniform here http://www.creamworkwear.com.au/collections/restaurant

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