Foodservice Australia exhibition, Sydney, Australia

Foodservice Australia exhibition, Sydney, Australia

"Good morning" I say to all the early risers who I pass on my morning run. 
" 'Morning" they reply as we pass each other.
It feels good to connect with familiar smiles as we start our day.

Smiles and connections are what it's all about in business, and next week we'll be able to connect with you in person in Sydney, Australia.
Come and say "hello" at the Foodservice Australia exhibition.
Exclusive to trade, it's open Sunday 22nd, Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th, from 10am-5pm. We're at stand number C1. It'll be a great exhibition, with awesome offerings.

Want to look & feel awesome? Great, we'll show you how, visit us at the expo to win a Premium Chef's jacket of your choice. Not a chef in Sydney, but your friend is? No problem, tell your friend, and they can visit us with this free ticket to enter. 
I know how a greeting can change my mood and make me feel connected. 
So, thank you for your smiles, greetings and connections, and here's to you sharing a simple greeting with your teams and suppliers to make a lasting connection.  

Have a great week, and see you next week the Foodservice Australia exhibition,

All the best,


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