How to Wash Your Fabric Face Mask

Organic Cotton Fabric Face Mask by Cream Collection


Well done for being responsible to your community and covering up by wearing an Organic Cotton Face Mask. You deserve a virtual high five!

After a day of wearing your designer face mask, you may be asking "How do I sterilise my face mask to wear again? "

Good question, and here's the easiest way:

As you've bought an Organic Cotton face mask, the simplest way to get rid of any bacteria or virus is to lay the mask flat on an ironing board and place an iron directly onto the fabric part of the mask, set the iron to it's hottest temperature ( Linen or Cotton setting ) and press the steam button to release steam onto the face mask.

Hold and steam for one minute both sides.

*PLEASE NOTE: you cannot use this simple method for disposable face masks, nor face masks made from polyester fabric (as polyester is essentially plastic and plastic melts)

Do not iron the elastic of the mask as some elastics may melt onto your iron and ironing board, and you wouldn't want that! The COVID_19 virus cannot live in temperatures above 57 degrees, and a steam iron set to it's highest temperature reaches 130 degrees.

If your face mask is looking a bit grubby and you'd like to wash the dirt out of it, here's the quickest way:

- Remove the nose piece and set aside

- Place the mask in a bowl of hot soapy water. Please note: NO Bleach!

- Leave to soak for 10 minutes until water cools sufficiently for you to move the mask around in the water and give dirty marks a rub to dislodge dirt.

- Rinse

- Once rinsed, pull the mask out on the sides to shape the pleats into place before hang drying

- Hang dry by pegging the elastic. DO NOT tumble dry!

- Once dry, iron as above instructions


- Spray with Methylated spirits and hang dry outdoors for 24 hours

DO NOT wash face masks in a washing machine as the elastics will tangle and knot causing many hours of frustration when trying to untangle them.

Voila! Your fabric mask is beautifully clean and ready to be worn again. 


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