Anti Black Friday


We're sure you are aware that tomorrow is Black Friday. As you know for this day alone a lot of @#!% is manufactured, transported to stores and mindless mass shopping is encouraged. This is the antithesis of what we stand for.

We decided to go against the grain again and GIVE BACK rather than exploit supply chains for this event. Black Friday is a shopping frenzy day with some not-so-healthy attributes, we'd prefer to side with companies like Patagonia and REI and encourage people to explore healthier options and connect with nature and the outdoors rather than be encouraged to get into shopping centres and buy stuff they probably don't need. However, as Fridays are tricky days for the hospitality teams to get outdoors, we thought a positive and lasting impact for the good of the planet would be to ask the chefs who contributed to the designs we sell online to nominate a nature related NGO or charity which they would like to support.

By buying these styles, 10% of the selling price (not just the profit, but the total selling price) from the sale of that particular style will go to that organisation on Black Friday.

Executive Chef Richard Robinson of The Food Equity Group has nominated the Nature Conservancy Australia organisation. Nature Conservancy Australia is doing remarkable things for the Food industry. Globally, they are fostering innovations in technology, collaborating with communities to use resources more efficiently and promoting policies that enable sustainability. Locally, They're helping to create a more sustainable Murray-Darling Basin - often referred to as the ‘Food Bowl of Australia’- and restoring the lost shellfish reefs of southern Australia for people and nature. We love their project "Shuck Don't Chuck"

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