This plastic free July, say no to plastic!

Swap THIS for THAT in Plastic Free July!

Plastic FREE July is here. Let’s see how we can swap items out and replace them with (kinder to the planet) alternatives. 

We have put together some easy ways we can all make an impact and reduce wastage. Some ideas to SWITCH and SWAP THIS for THAT are a great (and easy) way to start.

5 simple ways you can impact and reduce your plastic use this July.



Plastic water bottle

Reusable water bottle 

Shampoo & Conditioner in plastic packaging

Shampoo  & Conditioner Bars

Disposable Razors

Metal Razors - well taken care of, they last for years.

Deodorant in plastic or aerosol containers

Deodorant in recyclable packaging

Plastic hair comb or brush

Wooden or bamboo comb or brush - no frizz!

Plastic toothbrush

Bamboo toothbrush

Stay tuned – in our next newsletter we will have another bunch of SWITCH and SWAP ideas. 

Shop our range here.

Make some changes or have any ideas to share – tag us @creamcollection_pro

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