Food Collective Reward

Food Collective Reward


Have you heard of Food Collective? If not, you are missing out.

Food Collective is a joint initiative between Unilever Food Solutions, OzHarvest, and chefs like you. It brings chefs and food suppliers together to rescue food, help feed the community and ultimately create positive change within kitchens all around Australia.

Every time you shop with Food Collective, Unilever Food Solutions helps OzHarvest feed someone in need, and rewards you with loyalty points that can be redeemed for great rewards. It’s a win- win!

All you have to do is join the Food Collective online and browse the shop for your favourite products. When you add items to your cart you’ll see how many 'meals' your shop will provide. When you check out we’ll forward your order to your chosen distributor. Each time you log in you’ll be able to see how many meals you have donated, and how many reward points you have accumulated.

What’s even more rewarding? We are proud to affiliate ourselves with this great cause - you are able to use your points to reward yourself with Cream attire.

For more information visit

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